Pulp is a lit mag for low brow filth found in the pages of penny dreadfuls and strewn in the back of stores with privacy curtains. Send us your manifestos, your 3 am love letters to toxic exes, queer westerns, subverted neo-noires, romance & scifi hybrid experimental stories, and whatever else you made in the dumpster behind the 7/11.

Samruddhi & Cloe's bios coming soon



✨ Submissions will be read on a rolling basis for each issue.✨ Submitters of this lit mag need to be 18 or older because of the inclusion of NSFW works.✨ if you don't know if your piece fits, like a soundscape or weird piece of art or whatever other fun thing, It does. We will find a way to make it work, if it's cool enough and we want it in the magazine. We'll find a way.✨ We encourage previous submissions and simultaneous submissions. On the submissions page, there is a part for you to fill out where it's been published before so we can call out the amazing lit mags who published it. If it gets submitted somewhere else, shoot us an email and we will congratulate you and update your form.✨ If your piece needs to be pulled for any reason, just reach out and we will do it no questions asked.✨ No AI writing or art of any kind will be allowed. We don't need robots doing our jobs. Now, if you write an awesome science fiction about it, we will probably publish it, but if you get a robot to write it, then that's just mean.✨ No submissions from Zionists will be considered in this magazine. The Editor in Chief and Staff stand with the people and state of Palestine.✨ There are no formatting requirements on any of this. Do you, babes.✨ PULP does not want work that is racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or xenophobic. We will publish work that makes a comment on these topics if it displays these in a negative light and brings forth the flaws in the thinking, but any kind of hateful speech outright is not allowed. When a piece displays that commentary, a trigger warning will be present at the beginning.✨ There is no technical word limit, but we do ask you keep it to one piece for any long fiction, creative nonfiction, or article pieces. If you write War and Peace 2, electric Boogaloo, we will probably reject it, but write your little hearts out, we can't wait to read it.✨ There is also a three piece max for short stories and a five piece max for poems, artworks, photos, and hybrid works. We are are a little team right now. (I.e. It's only me and I want to be able to read all of your amazing works.)✨ We cannot afford to pay contributors at this time. We can definitely pay you in experiences and social media shout outs though!✨ At this time, we’re unable to offer free physical copies of our issues to contributors. As a growing publication with limited funds, we’re focusing our resources on creating high-quality content and keeping our digital version accessible to everyone. Our digital issues are free online forever, and we’re committed to never putting our content behind a paywall. We hope to be in a position to offer free printed versions in the future as we continue to grow and build financial sustainability.

Have any questions? Just want to send us fan fiction? Do you have a really cool idea for a way for us to get rich quick and want to share the wealth with us? Shoot us an email AT [email protected].
*Please note that our EIC is based in the Mountain Time Zone of North America, so their responses will reflect those times. Also Also note that they suck at having a normal sleep schedule. If you get an email at 3 am, it's probably them.

Want to contribute to every issue? Edit some pieces? Just draw some cover art? You can join PULP and hang out with the weirdos at the back of the class.All positions are volunteer and unpaid. We have no money, as this place is ran by a gen z kid who is currently contemplating their 200,000 dollar art degree and other young adults who make poor financial decisions. We are living off of hope and ramen noodles in this house.Applications are read on a rolling basis.STAFF INFORMATION HERE
Poetry writers, Prose writers, Editors, & Illustrators/Photographers

PULP wholeheartedly supports the people of Palestine, and hopes for a permanent ceasefire and liberation of the region. We strongly encourage readers of this publication to donate to families in the Gaza Strip, protest, and amplify the injustices, violence, and international war crimes that have been ongoing since 1948.The pinkwashing campaign from Israel is used to justify genocide the Palestinian people on their own land. As a queer person, I will not stand in silence as queer Palestinians are forced to justify their identity to live, just to get killed with their families and friends anyway. If you want to learn more about the plight of queer Palestinians, I recommend reading A Liberatory Demand from Queers in Palestine.As I have said before and I will say until it's true, From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.

STATEMENT:As the reins of power in the United States has been handed over to an openly fascist regime hell bent on demonizing everyday Americans, PULP wants to say to all of our writers, editors, creators, staff members, and lit mag community worldwide that we will never go quietly into the night.Our message of acceptance has always been clear, since the founding of this magazine past June. We strive to provide a unique place for everyone to share their work. We have and never will shy away from the eye catching & boundary pushing content that we regularly publish. Our ethos is fundamentally intertwined with highlighting queer and marginalized voices and nothing or no one will stop us from achieving that.These fascists & monsters will not dictate our voice, for it is too loud to be ignored. When the boots of authority come knocking on our neighbors and friends' doors, it is the duty of us as citizens to beat their ideas out of the public eye & out of existence. When billionaires meddle in elections that are fundamentally supposed to represent the people, we must take action to claw their power over our lives out from under them & give it back to us.I understand the significance & irony of putting this message on social media sites whose owners were active participants in the rise of Trump getting elected. No billionaire should have the power of communications for the entire world, and if we want a change in this status quo, these oligarchs must be taken down, either with peaceful transfers of wealth, which is unlikely, or with resistance.As the editor in chief of this magazine, and as a leftist community member, I know that my voice has power. I want everyone who is scared & defeated to know that your voice is powerful, too. You are powerful. No person or government can take away who you are & what you believe in. When we stand together and fight back, there will always be more of us than there is of them.There are going to be times where it’s really hard, when we have to fight for the very nature of people’s existence in this country. Then there’s going to be days where we can relax; let our hair down and breathe for a moment. But most days, it’ll probably be a mix of both.This road ahead is going to be unknown. No one can guarantee what’s going to happen for the rest of the month, never mind the next four, but one thing we can do is stand up for each other, fight fascism all around the world, bring socialism to the people, and sometimes, spend some time with our friends.

- Set up form for Indie Lit Mags
- Schedule the days out (panels, q and a's, seminars) ((2 days))
- Set up sign up formSCHEDULE